From the Aravenda Dashboard, you can view Analytics for your Sales, Unpaid Disbursements, Active Inventory, Inactive Inventory, and Expired Items.
A. Sales - The total amount of sales in a given time period.
Note: All categories are shown in conjunction with the time period buttons to the top right of the chart.
To see analytics for a given time period, select the according time period.
B. Unpaid Disbursements - The total amount of outstanding payments to consignors.
C. Active Inventory - Published items with a 'live status' and a quantity greater than '0'.
D. Inactive Inventory - Unpublished items with a quantity greater than '0'.
E. Expired Items - Items that expire according to Inventory Aging and/or marked as Expired by the store admin. F. Draft Items - Items that are "Saved for Later".
G. Time periods - when selected all of the analytics fields will change in conjunction with the given time period.
To learn more about the Dashboard Analytics reports, click here.