Payment Methods - PayPal Step 1
Aravenda allows you to have different payout methods from the standard cash and check options. By entering your business PayPal Client ID and Client Secret ID, you’ll be able to send payouts to your consignors automatically. Be sure to keep in mind the following details:
a. Consignors must have a valid PayPal email address tied to their account.
b. There is a $0.25 per payout transaction for each consignor payout instance which will be taken from your PayPal account.
c. Be sure to have the sufficient funds in your PayPal business account before you submit the payouts
Mass Payouts in PayPal: How to Get Approved for Mass Payouts in PayPal
You will need a PayPal Business account in order to make mass payouts to your consignors.
If you do not already have a PayPal Business account, follow these steps to upgrade.
How can I get approved to make mass payouts to consignors?
Log in to your PayPal Business account.
2. Enter your username and password and click Log in.
3. Click Pay & Get Paid.
4. Under the column Make Payments, click Payouts.
5. Complete the questions below.
6. You should receive a reply within 24 hours of applying.
7. Once you are approved follow the steps on this
You will now be able to make Mass Payouts once you've added your consignors PayPal email to their Consignor Payment Methods.
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