Surcharges & Recurring Fees

Surcharges & Recurring Fees

Surcharges are an additional payment made by the consignor to the store owner. 
There are a variety of surcharges that store owners can apply. 
The amount charged is up to the store owner. 

There are three default surcharges set up.

1. Buyers Fee
2. Batch Fee
3. Sellers Fee

Buyer’s Fee

This is typically used to offset transaction fees that the store incurs for credit cards. 
All items will have the entered amount (for example, .99) added on to the top of the price that the item is being sold for (Ex. The buyer would purchase the item for a price of $10.99 but the consignor gets paid out on net sale of the item before the Buyer's Fee is added - in this case $10.00.  The store receives the entire amount of the Buyer's Fee at the time of sale - in this example, .99 cents. 

Batch Fee

This is typically used when the store owner wants to apply a charge for processing a batch of items. 
The amount charged is up to the store.  If the batch fee is Active and 10% or more of the items in a batch are not sellable, this fee will automatically be applied to the consignor’s account.This fee is based on an entire batch that is created. 

Seller’s Fee

This fee is used to split the burden of cost for something.
It is applied to an item when the store owner wants to split the cost of something with the consignor 50/50. For example, an eBay listing fee. In this case it would be applied when an item is sold on an external sales channel such as eBay. The % held back is shared with the consignor when the disbursement is calculated. 

Some other examples that you might create a fee for include: 

Laundry Fee: To pay for time and supplies to clean clothes or merchandise which is not already fit for the floor. 
Authentication Fee: To cover the fees involved in getting an item authenticated. 
Rent: To cover the cost of space either virtual or physical that is dedicated and/or marketed to a particular vendor. 

There are two types: Consignor and Item.  

Consignor fees are those that are manually applied in the Consignors Account Summary. Example (authentication fee, laundry fee).
This should be used to apply fees to an account and not to each item. For example, if you want to charge a laundry fee for items that require cleaning but not necessarily every item, you might create a consignor fee named 'Laundry Fee'.
*Consignor fees are fixed amount only. No percentages.

An Item fee is a Surcharge that can be applied by a store on every item.  This is typically for operational burden or cost of supplies like tags and other overhead. This is also usually a small amount of around $1 that is calculated as extra earnings for a store. 
*Item fees are fixed amount or percentage based fees. 

To add a new surcharge, 

1. a. Click Store Settings
    b. Click Surcharges.
    c. Click Add New.

2. Enter the name of the surcharge. For example, Laundry Fee, Rent, etc.) 
B. Select the type: Item or Consignor.

C. Select Processing Fee.

D. Select the Value Type
     NOTE: The percentage value can only be added to the Item surcharge type, and not to the Consignor surcharge type
The Value Type can be a Percentage or Fixed value. This is how much (fixed) or what percentage of (Percentage) will be applied. Fixed will be a set amount/cost that will be applied - For both Item or Consignor. 
For example, the buyers fee will add an additional fixed amount of $0.99 to each item that is created. 

Percentage will be a percentage of the sale of the item. 
 Percentage will be a specific percentage of the amount that will be applied to the item from what the net sale price of the item is. For
E. Click the Apply to consignor anytime to allow the surcharge to be listed under the fees for your consignor. This will allow you to add the surcharge to a consignors account whenever you need to. 

F. Click Submit

Learn more about Recurring Fees here

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