You can easily find out by using the color finder.
First, click the color that is located on the right of the “Primary” or “Secondary” boxes.
Click the dropper and move the magnifier over the color you would like to match. Left click.
How to Change to American or European Date Format
To change the way the date appears in your account (North American or European format), follow the instructions below:
A. Go to Store Settings.
B. Click Theme Options.
C. Select the format you would like the date to appear.
How to Customize Your Theme - Customized URL Extension for Consignors
To customize the theme and appearance of your site and login page for consignors follow the steps below.
Note: If you would like to have a customized URL extension to enable your consignors to login directly to your portal, please email for a customized URL extension.
A. Go to Store Settings.
B. Click Theme Options.
C. Click the '+' icon or 'Select Image' box to add your logo.
Note: The file types: png, jpg, jpeg and Best Fit: Width: 800 px, Height: 800px
D. Select the colors to match your website theme.
Once you've received your customized URL and linked it directly to your website, your consignors will feel like they are logging directly into your portal.
Changing your company email address and company information can be done through the Store Settings tab under the Admin menu section. The store settings have all the general information regarding your store including your company name, email, phone ...
The Expiration Date section allows you to choose whether you would like your items to be expired based upon, b. the date that they were created. c. the date that they were uploaded to Shopify. When you are listing an item, you will choose between two ...
You will receive an email with your log in information. Navigate to, and enter your assigned username and password. Please note: Your assigned password will expire three days after your sign-up date if you have not logged ...
Create your main categories and child categories with a click of a button. The attributes can be included if needed for your website. For example: “style”, “material” (Note: color, size, and condition are already included on the variants). Next, we ...
Click on "Reports" to explore the first report available through your Aravenda portal. 1. Review reports by consignors, with options to see all, unpaid and paid disbursements by date. 2. Export reports to excel to easily review your data. Having ...